53rd International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering

Students and young professionals

I-INCE awards grants to young professionals and students for INTER-NOISE 2024 congress attendance.

The deadline to apply for a grant is the same as the INTER-NOISE 2024 Abstract Submission deadline: 9 February 2024.

IMPORTANT: When applying for a I-INCE grant, you must mention the abstract number corresponding to your submission, in the  application form. This abstract number (ID) is displayed in your personal space under “My submissions”.

Read more information and apply for a grant on the I-INCE website. (select the I-INCE Young Professional Congress Attendance Grants for Inter-Noise 2024 bookmark in the left-hand list)

Four events directed towards young and early career acousticians are proposed, including a social gathering and a “job dating” event.

Early Career Event

This event, organized early in the congress, is intended to offer the possibility for early career acousticians to interact with confirmed researchers and practitioners.

PhD Market

The PhD Market aims at opening a communication channel between students close to graduation and companies or institutions looking for new talents.

It is a job dating event with pre-collection of CVs and a tool for putting students and professionals in touch with each other.

FlashTalk Challenge: Acoustics in Brief

Communicating and popularizing research is essential nowadays. A Flashtalk Competition will be organized to give students an opportunity to present their topic in short.

The concept is to give 5 minutes on stage to each master or PhD student with one slide and possibly small props to interest the audience about their research topic and current work.

Social Event

This event aims to forge contacts and to provide early career attendees with the opportunity to mix and connect.