53rd International Congress & Exposition on Noise Control Engineering

Inter-Noise24 app!

Mobile app

Keep in touch with the IN24 community with the app dedicated to the conference.

You will have access to all the information on:

  • the venue and maps,
  • the invited speakers,
  • the partners, sponsors & exhibitors,
  • the congress events (social events, technical visits, Young Pros)


and if you log in:

  • the complete schedule,
  • all the abstracts/papers/videos,
  • the chat and networking functionalities to discuss with the authors.


Nota: Your login is the email address you used to create your personal account (not the last name); the password is the same as for accessing your IN24 personal account (your “Registration number” as INTERNOISE2024-XXXXXXX).

To access, just flash the QR code on your smartphone:

You can also download the app from a store:

Online app

If you want to consult the mobile application from your browser, visit: https://www.eventool.com/pwa/INTERNOISE2024/